Monthly Archives: November 2014
Dolphins swim in cir ….
Dolphins swim in circles while they sleep with the eye on the outside of the circle open to keep watch for predators. After a certain amount of time they reverse and swim in the opposite direction with the opposite eye open
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If obstacles get in ….
Sarena: Hi! How are ….
Sarena: Hi! How are you?
Romalda: Fine. But I think I have a sore throat.
Sarena: I know what to do. Every time when I have a sore throat I’m having an oral sex with my husband and it helps me!
Romalda: The great idea, I will try…
>>On the second day:
Sarena: Well, how do you feel? Did it help?
Romalda: Yes, thank you very much, my throat is all right. But your husband couldn’t believe that it was your idea!
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Romalda: Fine. But I think I have a sore throat.
Sarena: I know what to do. Every time when I have a sore throat I’m having an oral sex with my husband and it helps me!
Romalda: The great idea, I will try…
>>On the second day:
Sarena: Well, how do you feel? Did it help?
Romalda: Yes, thank you very much, my throat is all right. But your husband couldn’t believe that it was your idea!
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Why do women live lo ….
Why do women live longer than Men?
Because shopping never causes heart attacks;
But paying the bills does.
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Because shopping never causes heart attacks;
But paying the bills does.
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Banta: My 9 year old ….
Banta: My 9 year old son told me a girl was yelling at him and he just sat there wondering what he did wrong.
Santa: I think he’s ready for marriage!
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Santa: I think he’s ready for marriage!
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A friend is the one ….
A friend is the one who:
Inspires you;
Laughs at you;
Cries with you;
Understands you;
And guides you!
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Inspires you;
Laughs at you;
Cries with you;
Understands you;
And guides you!
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