Monthly Archives: November 2014

A MAN in western att ….

A MAN in western attire went into a bar and asked for 30 martinis in a bucket.

“What? Why would you want so many martinis?” questioned the bartender.

“My horse likes them,” replied the cowboy, “and he’s tied to a parking meter out front dying of thirst. I want to surprise him.”

So the bartender got busy and came up with a bucket of martinis. “If you don’t mind,” he said, “I’d like to see this boozing horse with my own eyes.”

“Be my guest,” said the customer, and the two went outside and placed the bucket by the horse, who drank deeply.

“Darnedest thing I ever saw,” said the bartender. “Why don

continue ….

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When a woman discove ….

When a woman discovered that she was pregnant, her four-year-old son overheard his parents’ conversation.

He didn’t say anything until a week later when a family friend asked him if he was excited about the prospect of a new brother or sister.

“Yes,” said the boy, “and I know what we’re going to name it. If it’s a girl, we’re going to call her Emily, and if it’s another boy we’re going to call it Quits.”

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