Once there was this ….

Once there was this city boy who wanted to go country, so he headed out to a farm to buy some animals.

“I`ll take one of these,” he said to the farmer.

“What is it?”

Well, to me it`s a cock, but to you it`s a rooster,” said the farmer.

“I`ll take one of these, too,” said the city boy.

“What is it?”

“Well, to me it`s a pullet, but to you it`s a chicken,” replied the farmer.

“Okay,” said the city boy. “And I`ll take one of those, too, if you`ll tell me what it is.”

“To me it`s an ass, but to you it`s a mule,” explained the farmer, “and when that ass gets stubborn, it sits down and you have to scratch its belly to get it moving again.”

So the city boy set off down the road with all his new purchases. He was doing fine till a pretty girl drove by, at which point the ass sat down and refused to budge.
Seeing he as having some trouble, the girl backed up and asked if there was anything she could do to help.

“Actually, yes,” said the city boy. “Will you hold my cock and pullet while I scratch my ass?”

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