Monthly Archives: February 2015

The best joke.. At ….

The best joke..

At London airport, an announcement goes out over the Public Address System: “Mr. Rand Chod Kar Sandaas ! pls report to Reception”.

Ranchhodbhai Karsandas, who has just arrived ex Surat, goes red with anger. He goes to the reception, & shouts loudly to d English receptionist.

D following conversation must go into history books of cock-ups:

Ranchhodbhai: “MadarChod ! I am Ranchhod..”

Receptionist: “Mr. Madar Chod Rand Chod ? Sir, that is not d name I have here.. I have Mr. Rand Chod Kar Sandaas..”

Ranchhodbhai: “Arrey Bhenchod, I m

continue ….

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